A Timelapse of Tweets!

Inspiration and positive change 140 characters at a time… A time lapse of my short tweeting history!


What gives you positive energy everyday?? Enjoy feeling good and spread it to others!!

Dec 9th

I love that we are in complete control of our attitudes and decisions! Every choice we face is an opportunity to grow and learn!

Nov 13th

What is going on in your community TODAY that is creating Positive Change? Please Tweet or Comment and let us know! It’s all about YOU!

The journey of life is a beautiful thing…Celebrate the highs and embrace the lows with a positive mind. This is where you will truly grow!

Sept 11th

It is amazing how much strength, energy, and true joy is realized in yourself, through helping others!

Sept 8th

Meaningful relationships are so important in life. Acknowledge those who build you up and appreciate the value they bring to your life!

Aug 24th

RT- guyluminato: To solve a problem, a good leader is curious to hear ideas from others. A bad leader cares more that others hear their ideas.” Simon Sinek

Aug 11th

When your up against #Adversity… Step back, take a deep breath, and know in every experience there is opportunity for #positive growth!

Apr 22nd

RT – NatashaGoetzke: CHALLENGE – Try to think of at least one postive thing about your day, (every day) and then tell somebody else!!!!!

Apr 16th

Every day is a new journey filled with new opportunities. Be positive and optimistic as you go forward today and good things will happen!!

Whether you are tweeting, giving status updates, or having face-to-face interactions, think about what your personal time-lapse would look like? How are you positively influencing others?