The Deep End Framework™️

The Deep End Leadership and Learning Framework

At any given point in our lives we can locate ourselves in one of the stage of The Deep End Framework. It is no accident that the most fulfilled and successful in life are the ones who are able to navigate these steps over and over again throughout the course of their lives.

The Comfort Zone

As children we escape the comfort zone effortlessly due to it’s limited size and scope.
As we grow, our comfort zone grows with us and we find it increasingly difficult to navigate to the far edges and escape the grips of satisfaction and mediocrity.

The High Dive

We know in our gut what we need to do. But with each rung we climb we hear another voice in our head telling us all the reasons why we are not good enough. 
The high dive is about overcoming those voices to earn our place on top of the diving board, staring down into the deep end of life. 

The Deep End

Where magic happens. We have pushed past our darkest gremlins and are now fighting to keep our head above water in  the Deep End of Life. 
This is where you will experience the greatest life lessons, the most painful failures and have access to deep states of Flow and Fulfillment. 
But before you jump, make sure you know the set of ingredients required to survive in this challenging place. 

The War of Attrition

Dipping your toe in the deep end is one thing. To jump head first is something different altogether. 
The one guarantee you get when jumping head first is that you will, at some point, run head first into the Wall and be broken to pieces. 
It is those who are able to survive these devastating blows time and time again who will win the war of attrition – giving them access to learn and grow more than any of their peers. 

The Long Game

When you’re lying on your death bed years from now. You won’t care about the medals you won, articles you wrote or businesses you built. 
Your legacy will be based on how you impacted and affected those around you in the world. Every subsequent dive into the Deep End is another piece of our puzzle in the long game of life. It is never about arriving in any single destination or achieving any accomplishment, but making sure every experience is adding up in a positive direction in our journey.