Having Conversations that Matter, One #LollipopMoment at a Time!

An Introduction to Lollipop Moment's

This morning at our monthly Tekara community meeting one of our associates, David McCutcheon, shared an incredibly powerful TEDx talk by Drew Dudley on Redefining Leadership and Lollipop Moments. In this 6 minute TEDx talk, Dudley shares a personal story illustrating a redefined leadership model inspired by Lollipop Moments.

Why the Hashtag #LollipopMoment?

I have to admit I rarely use long hashtags on Twitter, but every now and then I find one that is inspiring and has great potential to build meaningful community around (Angela Maier's #YouMatter comes to mind!). I think that this is one of those hashtags… So share your #LollipopMoment on twitter too!

What is a Lollipop Moment

According to Dudley, a Lollipop Moment is "A moment where someone said something, or did something, that fundamentally made your life better." He goes on to challenge the audience, US, to acknowledge these people and experiences, and paints an inspiring picture of global leadership that is rooted in being catalyst of one lollipop moment at a time!

Wow, what a vision!

Having Conversations that Matter sharing Lollipop Moments

After watching this video, David encouraged us to all share and have a conversation around what this video meant to each of us, had we experienced Lollipop Moment's in our lives? And how can we bring this vision to our Tekara community, and the work that we do?

For me, this was the most powerful part of the experience. The meaningful, emotional, vulnerable conversations. Listening to each of my colleagues share passionate life stories of their own personal Lollipop Moment.

As soon as I could I showed the video to my fiancé, Natasha, and we shared a similar conversation, in which she shared an incredible Lollipop Moment in her life that I had never heard before.

Your Challenge: What is Your #LollipopMoment?

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So my challenge for you is to sit down with someone you care about, a family member, a friend, a significant other, a business colleague and show them this video (You can even present it to a group or organization, like David did). Then, invite that person to share a Lollipop Moment from their life, and do the same afterwards. 

I can guarantee you will have a meaningful, heartfelt conversation. You will connect with that person on a very emotional level, and you will be inspired to do more! 

You are always welcome to share a moment here as well, I always appreciate hearing from you! 
