Life is a Choice, How are you Choosing to Show Up?

Have you ever stopped and thought about the choices and decisions that we make throughout the day and how they impact our energy, influence, and impact?

While it may seem trivial, I am going to argue that these small choices (repeated every day) end up having powerful implications on how we “play the game of life”…

  • Did you choose to hit the snooze button this morning, or get up and have a great breakfast, go for a walk, workout, etc?
  • Did you choose to say hi or smile at that person on the street that you made eye contact with?
  • Did you choose to take 30 seconds out of your morning to genuinely ask your colleague or co-worker how their weekend was?
  • Did you see the person 50 feet away in the parking garage and choose to hold the elevator for them, even though you could have closed it?
  • Did you choose to check-in with a friend after you sensed something may be weighing them down- or ignore it because you know it would take more time and energy on your part?
  • Did you choose to stop doing whatever you are doing when your partner walks in the door after a long day and give them 100% of your attention and energy?
  • Did you choose to look your server in the eye and say thank you after a meal?
  • Did you choose to hold the door open for the person behind?

… What did you choose to do today to personally grow and positively influence those around you?

I am not saying that choosing to do these things is always the right thing to do, but what I do know is that the daily choices we make significantly affect our energy, self-confidence, how we influence others, and ultimately how we show up in the world. Neuroscience is proving that when we choose to help others (in any capacity) in a truly selfless motive, we are intrinsically rewarded, filled with energy, and FEEL GOOD…

What is one small choice that you could make a daily basis that would make you feel good?

I would love to create space for sharing positive choices and examples in the space below, please join me :).


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