Social Business or Social Media: A Visual Perspective

Social Business or Social Media

What is the difference? (This is not rhetorical, please let me know what you think in the comments!)

There are two that immediately come to mind: Scope and Value. I have recently been fascinated and very passionate about the opportunities that are presenting themselves based on this new way that we are connecting through the social web, and social media. The opportunities truly are extensive, and this is no different with business. Yet, the majority of businesses I work with and talk to today are very happy creating a department, back office, or desk where their "social media" role can play. Eliminating any opportunity to see how social can influence and integrate with the rest of the business… This fully integrated approach to social media and leveraging the social web, I believe, is Social Business.

(Click to see a bigger version)Social Business on Pinterest

Social Media: What is Social BusinessSocial Business is…

  • Want to develop your professional network as a CEO or entrepreneur… Use networks like LinkedIn and Twitter to start having meaningful conversations. 
  • Want to market a new product or initiative… Create qualified online communities that represent your target audience, build relationships here that will create fans and loyal supporters. 
  • Want to find the best candidates for your staffing and succession planning strategy: Get familiar with LinkedIn!
  • Want to leverage real-time events that matter to your audience: Coordinate your PR strategy with blog posts and social engagement
  • Want an internal culture with fast, effective, and efficient communication, where ideas can be born and cultivated, and changes can be executed quickly: Develop an internal social business communication strategy
  • Want to prove your business as a thought leader: Publish great thought leadership content on your site or blog
  • Want to keep tabs on your competition and track industry benchmarks: create an organized channel of all your competitors social activity
  • Want to create buzz and conversation around your event, allowing you to engage and track the people attending/talking/interested: Create a social media promotion campaign and live event strategy
  • Want more referral and word of mouth traffic: Facilitate a second to none customer service experience through 1:1 real-time communication using social media.
  • … I could go on!

Social Business, A Visual Perspective

The Model above is a very simple chart of what Social Business could look like. It is important to note that this is not a complex model, and that each of the different points in the graph could be broken down into a few dozen steps and criteria. However, I love using the Ven style diagram to illustrate social business because the core business functions all connect and overlap. Even though specific departments can work on their own initiatives and strategies, everything must connect and align at the center of the diagram.

I am excited to share this chart, first and foremost to learn! I really encourage your feedback on this model!

  • What makes sense about this social business model?
  • What is missing, what should be added?
  • Is there a specific area where you see value for yourself or your business?
  • Where on this Social Business model does your organization currently operate?

Your Turn!

Please feel free to share any thoughts, comments, feedback, or concerns down below in the comments, I GREATLY appreciate it!

Thank you, 
