Erasing the Whiteboard and Saying Yes to What’s Possible!

listening to small epiphanies

As I was about to wipe off several big brainstorming ideas from my whiteboard this morning, I experienced a sudden overwhelming sense of resistance…

Sensing this resistance, I paused to process what I was feeling. I quickly realized it was the resistance and fear of having to let go of all those ideas I had worked and put energy into…

I thought for a couple of seconds about why I was feeling this way, acknowledging the attachment I had to what was on the board…

Then, I wiped the board clean with a smile!

permission to move forward

You see, while erasing the board was initially a bit painful, ultimately I am giving myself an empty canvas to move forward in the creation of all things new and exciting in my life. I am consciously saying Yes to the thoughts, ideas, and opportunities that are ahead.

The best part: …the ideas on the board that I erased have now been handed over to my subconscious mind. The ones that are truly important and valuable will re-surface to my conscious with an exciting surge of new energy, to be written down again as a 2.0 or 3.0 version!

What's possible leadership and opportunity

It’s funny how the smallest things can trigger such big and systemic learning. I realized in the moment of erasing the whiteboard that this “letting go to allow space for new” is relevant to all areas of our life.

So, my challenge to you

Are there things (ideas, relationships, conversations, attachments, business engagements) that you are holding on to that are in the way of your blank canvas? That are holding you back from moving forward and creating what’s passionately within?

I’d love to hear your thoughts!!
