How to be an Everyday Leader

The debate on whether leaders are born or made is ongoing, and while I agree that some people are more gifted at leadership than others, we all have the ability to be a positive leader of change!

While you might not be in a position to lead a multi-national corporation, there are things we can all do everyday, to influence others and create positive change.

This leadership is just as important and valuable in building community and having a positive influence on others…

Random Acts of Kindness

There is no random act of kindness that is too small. Whether you hold a door open for someone, or helping someone out with chores or change… Your willingness and effort to act selflessly for others will be compounded and the effect is exponentially more powerful!

In Jennifer Aaker and Andy Smith’s new book, The DragonFly Effect they describe the story of Carolee Hazard. In the checkout line at a grocery, Jenni Ware had found she had lost her wallet and couldn’t pay her bill of $207… Hazard, behind her in line performed her random act of kindness and paid the bill. Ware re-paid her $300 later, including a tip of $93!

Hazard didn’t know what to do with the extra tip, and so she turned to her facebook community! The consensus was to donate it, and in doing so Carolee had an overflow of facebook friends and community members who wanted to help with the good cause.

She has raised over $30,000 from a simple act of kindness, paying for a strangers bill! She was able to leverage social media to lead an even greater influence and positive change

Positive Words of Encouragement

Simply put, whenever you get the opportunity to build someone up, DO IT! Even though you may not think your words are meaningful, you never know the power of building someone up!

Servant Leadership

Much like random acts of kindness, serving others with no motive other than to help!

Lead By Actions/Examples

More and more we live in a day and age where someone is always watching the actions you take! This is not only important in terms of your personal brand and image, but it also impacts those who look up to you.

And trust me, there is at least someone who looks to you as a role model, for wisdom, inspiration, and guidance.

What is the daily example that you are setting for the people who are shaping their lives based on your actions?

Doing the Right Thing

Acting with integrity has many benefits along with being seen as a leader with strong values… It feels good knowing you did the right thing, and it strengthens your inner qualities as a person…

Just the other day I found an Iphone 4 (I have been dying to get one) that was left in a taxi – as much as I would have loved to forget that it belonged to someone else and keep it for myself – I knew that was not the right thing!

I returned it to the owner, who was incredibly thankful and appreciative… I knew I had done the right thing, and had become a stronger, better person because of it!

Listen and Learn from Others

This is important for so many reasons, and many times a skill that is overlooked. In every interaction you have the opportunity to learn something about yourself and grow as an individual.

But your willingness to listen and connect with your community will also increase your value to that community, and your status in the eyes of others.

People are drawn to genuine interactions, and you will be seen as a leader if you can facilitate these interactions!

Think about the ways that you can lead and have a positive influence in your communities!


Tyrell Mara

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